VIVA is a restoration software that handles the very toughest picture problems and drastically cuts your retouching costs by removing high levels of dirt, scratches and flickering AUTOMATICALLY
The AI & Advanced Motion Estimation Technology In VIVA Enables Picture Improvements That You Just Have To See To Believe
For generations, restoring commercially and culturally important content was a slow and expensive process. Even today many restoration houses have to resort to using dozens of digital artists and thousands of man-hours to manually retouch individual frames of films and videos to return them to their original splendor. Algosoft’s restoration technology was conceived and implemented to change all that. Using AI-based complex mathematical algorithms that track everything that is happening from frame to frame, Viva-Pro software can automatically improve pictures at lower cost, and to much higher quality levels than have ever been achieved before.
Here is just a short list of the kinds of picture problems that we can handle. Viva-Pro can automatically detect and substantially reduce levels of:
- Dirt
- Scratches
- Color Blotches
- Emulsion Damage
- Flicker
- Backlight Flicker
- Color Breathing
- Image Fading
- Video and Digital Capture Noise
- Jitter and Weave
- Film Grain
- Interlace
- Aliasing
- Compression Artifacts
- Temporal Stabilization
- Upres/Super Resolution
- Temporal Frame Interpolation/Slow Motion
- Filling Temporal Gaps/Recovering Missed Frames
You truly have to see the results to believe them. We’ll even restore some test footage for you, to show you what Viva-Pro can do on your projects!